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Product reviews where they truly belong

75% of customers look for reviews before they buy. Give them what they need, with Product Reviews at Omnisend — right alongside the email, SMS, and automation you use to connect with your customers & sell your products.

Where it all comes together

Now, your customers' reviews can live right where they can do the most good – alongside your own words in emails, texts, and popups, adding a perspective that only your customers can provide.

Get everything under one roof

With Product Reviews in Omnisend, you’re be able to integrate reviews seamlessly alongside email, SMS, push notifications, automations & segmentation.

No hassle, no learning curve, no lost data – just a smooth path from sale to review, and back again.

Let trust build itself

Omnisend's Product Reviews lets you easily collect your customers’ reviews with automation that does all the heavy lifting. Even better, your ratings show up on Google search results.

This means you can easily show off all the great things your customers are saying about you and your products.

Sell. Review. Repeat

When someone buys from you and really loves what they’ve got, they'll tell the world.

Their review, combined with email & SMS, will help more customers discover you, keeping the word-of-mouth cycle going strong, one happy customer at a time.

When everything just works

There’s something special about seeing everything just click into place. And that's precisely what using Product Reviews feels like. With every feature designed to make it easy for your customers’ stories to be heard, shared, and celebrated, you'll wonder how you ever managed without them.

Collect reviews automatically

Set up email & SMS workflows to ask your customers for reviews.

Segment based on ratings

Create segments based on review ratings to target your customers better.

Reward customer feedback

Offer discounts and other incentives to encourage more customer reviews.

Highlight 5-star reviews

Showcase top review quotes & ratings in emails and on your store to give shoppers the confidence they need to buy.

Keep your data

Import existing reviews and see review data & trends within Omnisend.

Boost your Shopify store’s visibility

Attract traffic and improve SEO with product ratings that are visible in Google search results.

Feature comparison

See how Omnisend's Product Reviews feature compares with Shopify Reviews and other leading reviews apps.






Automatic review requests
SMS review requests
Leave review in store
Reviews for store
Coming soon
Reviews widget
Auto brand color and style matching
Stars in collection pages
Coming soon
Product grouping
Coming soon
Review comments
Google snippet
Reviews statistics
Share to Google Shopping ads
Coming soon

Simple & transparent pricing

Enjoy all our features, including Product Reviews, in every plan. No credit card required to start.


Best for high-volume senders aimed at adding extra power with SMS.

per month
  • 2,500 contacts

    Reach up to 2,500 contacts per month. Based on contact list size provided above.

  • Unlimited emails

    Send unlimited amount of emails per month.

  • 3,933 free SMS / month

    We deliver all around the globe

    Free SMS credits equal to the price of your monthly plan. The number of messages you can send depends on the region:

    United states United states
    Canada Canada
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Australia Australia




  • Unlimited web push notifications

    Collect web push notification signups and immediately engage with your audience.

  • Unlimited published reviews (Shopify)

    Merchants on any plan can collect an unlimited number of product reviews. The number of reviews you can publish is connected to your pricing plan. Available to Shopify merchants only.


Best for growing and medium-sized businesses focused on email marketing

per month
  • 500 contacts

    Reach up to 500 contacts per month. Based on contact list size provided above.

  • 6,000 emails / month

    Send up to 6,000 emails per month.

  • 60 SMS (one time)

    $1 in free SMS to try. Monthly SMS plans available, check out our SMS pricing calculator.

  • Unlimited web push notifications

    Collect web push notification signups and immediately engage with your audience.

  • 1,000 published reviews (Shopify)

    Merchants on any plan can collect an unlimited number of product reviews. The number of reviews you can publish is connected to your pricing plan. Available to Shopify merchants only.


Best for starting businesses or for exploring Omnisend

per month
  • 250 contacts

    Reach up to 250 contacts per month. Based on contact list size provided above.

  • 500 emails / month

    Send up to 500 emails per month.

  • 60 SMS (one time)

    $1 in free SMS to try. Monthly SMS plans available, check out our SMS pricing calculator.

  • 500 web push notifications / month

    Send up to 500 web push notifications per month.

  • 50 published reviews (Shopify)

    Merchants on any plan can collect an unlimited number of product reviews. The number of reviews you can publish is connected to your pricing plan. Available to Shopify merchants only.

Sell more with Product Reviews

Start collecting and showing reviews in your stores, emails & automated messages with Omnisend.