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Marketing Playbook

Free Edition

The Marketing Playbook, our merchant-to-merchant strategy exchange, is now accessible in a free edition. Explore a limited selection of strategies other merchants are using in Omnisend to achieve great results, and copy them for your store.

featured playbook
Enflow Digital: How to use educational content to 2x your campaigns

Learn how Enflow Digital uses educational content to 2x its clients' average email revenue and copy their strategy for your store.

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Want to gain instant access to more actionable email & SMS marketing strategies? Upgrade to Omnisend’s Standard plan or above now to explore the entire library of playbooks.

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Explore the free Marketing Playbook archive

Browse our free collection of strategies that shaped successful ecommerce campaigns. Every playbook is an in-depth, 100% actionable guide that breaks down successful email & SMS marketing strategies used by real merchants and digital marketing agencies into simple steps.

Enflow Digital: How to use educational content to 2x your campaigns
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Invisible Brands: How to make €370,000 in 10 minutes
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FiGPiN: How to optimize product abandonment workflows for maximum sales
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The Cake Store: How to build customer loyalty–without resorting to spam
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Turn your best-selling campaign into a Marketing Playbook

Have a successful strategy you’d like to share with other Omnisend merchants? We're all ears. Drop us a line and get the chance to be featured in an upcoming edition.