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omnisend research

Marketing automation statistics 2019

We analyzed over 2 billion marketing automation campaigns sent over 2018. Here’s what we found.

Marketing automation statistics 2019
  • 90%

    higher customer retention rate over a single-channel

  • 250%

    higher purchase rate when using 3 or more channels

  • 17.27%

    higher CTR with custom automation workflows

We analyzed over 2 billion campaigns sent using Omnisend’s omnichannel marketing automation platform over 2018. We examined several different areas from key accounts:

  • The impact of omnichannel marketing on customer retention, campaign engagement, and purchase rate
  • A comparison of segmented versus non-segmented campaigns
  • An automation workflow benchmark
  • A study on campaign timing
  • The best practices in subscriber list building

Today, we’re making the full results of that study available.

The 6 biggest takeaways

We analyzed over 2 billion campaigns sent using Omnisend’s omnichannel marketing automation platform over 2018. We examined several different areas from key accounts:

  • Three or more channels leads to better overall performance: we found that marketers using three or more channels in their marketing campaigns earned a 90% higher customer retention rate, and 250% higher engagement and purchase rates.
  • Customers who engage with an omnichannel experience spend 13% more: in an omnichannel experience with three or more channels, customers are likely to spend 13% more than those who experienced just one channel.
  • Custom automation workflows tend to perform best overall: when comparing automation workflows, custom workflows had the highest click through rate and the second highest open rate after order confirmation workflows.
  • Targeted campaigns yield a much higher ROI: in comparing segmented with non-segmented campaigns, we found that segmented campaigns not only provided a 34.7% higher open rate, but they offered 26.5% more orders than non-segmented campaigns.
  • Campaigns sent in the beginning of the month have better performance: In comparing email campaign performance, email campaigns had better performance during the first 10 days of the month.
  • Dynamic signup forms work best for conversion: In list building, the more dynamic the sign up form, the better. Landing pages worked the best with nearly 25% success rate, followed by gamified Wheel of Fortune at 12.74%, and popups at 4.22%.

Omnichannel marketing statistics: Single channel vs several channels

While the move to omnichannel has been anything but gradual, there are many marketers that still haven’t taken the plunge.

We set out to see if our own customers were experiencing any results from their omnichannel campaigns, and equipped with new data, we found that our results mirrored many of the studies others have also performed.

We took a look at marketers who used three or more channels in their campaigns and compared them to marketers who typically only used one channel.

The marketers who created a more omnichannel experience earned a 90% higher customer retention rate over single-channel marketers.

According to our data, single-channel marketers counted only 34.8% customer retention rate, while the retention rate for marketers using three or more channels was over 66%. This data demonstrates how using more channels to engage customers builds customer loyalty.

In looking at our omnichannel marketing statistics, we also found that these customers weren’t just more loyal, they typically spent more on average than customers who only engaged with one channel. In fact, customers that interacted with three or more channels had an AOV (average order value) of $66.31, 13% higher than the AOV for customers who did not ($58.70). In fact, in comparing pluri-channel to single-channel campaigns, we also found that engagement and purchase rate was significantly higher in proportion to the number of channels used in a campaign.

Marketers using three or more channels in their campaigns earned an 18.96% engagement rate on average, compared to single-channel marketers who earned only 5.4% (meaning 250% more engagement from pluri-channel campaigns).

What’s more, these campaigns also had a much higher purchase rate than single-channel campaigns. The purchase rate for marketers using only one channel in their campaign came in at 2.56%, while marketers using three or more channels were able to report a 8.96% purchase rate.

If this data tells us anything at all, it’s that adding more ways to engage with your customer has a positive effect on nearly every aspect of a marketing campaign. By limiting yourself to just one channel, you’re walking away from a 250% higher conversion rate.

Which automation workflows perform best?

When it comes to automation workflows, there were a few clear winners for Omnisend marketers in 2018.

Much like in 2017, cart recovery automation workflows performed the best in terms of order rate, bringing in 2.35% orders per campaign. And order confirmation automation workflows held the crown for the highest open rate at 58.8%.

However, in 2018, a new challenger appeared. More and more Omnisend marketers decided to run with their own custom workflows, and those who did had results to brag about.

When it comes to capturing customer attention and keeping it, custom automation workflows performed the best with the highest click through rate of any automation workflow at 17.27%. They also followed order confirmation with the second highest open rate, at 52.7%.

While custom workflows fell behind in order rate at 1.82%, it’s still not a bad conversion rate compared to other workflows.

This data tells us that cart recovery automation workflows are still the best at recovering lost sales, and order confirmation workflows are highly appreciated by their customers.

But by creating custom workflows around what your customers really need, you can earn more revenue and foster a better relationship with your customers.

Email timing by hour

The best timing is personalized timing implemented with automation. But when you’re sending general campaigns, timing is also important because sending an email at the wrong time might start from “I’m too busy to look at that right now,” to your email never getting opened at all.

So getting the timing right is important to make sure your campaigns get seen in the first place. In looking at the campaigns getting the best open rates, we found that sending them in around the workday schedule provided the best results.

It’s no secret that most people check their phones as soon as they wake up. A notification from you is a great way to start your customer’s day off by thinking about your products. Campaigns sent at 8 am received a 20.32% open rate and a 7.79% click through rate.

However, the best performing time for click through rate was 5 pm, at the end of the work day.

However, the best order rates come from campaigns sent around 4 pm, with an average of 10.66 orders per campaign

So all in all- email campaigns that catch a customer when they have a break from work for the best results.

Email campaigns by day

When it comes to email campaigns, it’s most important to send the campaign during the first 10 days per month:

Days 1-10 of the month

  • Open rate: 16.51%
  • CTR: 4.09%
  • Orders: 5.16

Days 11-20 of the month

  • Open rate: 16.55%
  • CTR: 3.98%
  • Orders: 4.73

Days 21-31 of the month

  • Open rate: 16.05%
  • CTR: 3.84%
  • Orders: 5.17

As the month continues, the statistical averages get a bit worse. Campaigns sent in the first third of the month get the best overall performance.

Key trends:

  • Marketers are moving towards omnichannel marketing from single-channel campaigns, and they’re getting great results from it.
  • Customers are looking for an omnichannel experience, and they’re willing to spend more when they find it.
  • Customers respond better to custom automated workflows that are tailored to their needs.
  • Marketers are making use of contact segmentation to better personalize and target their campaigns.
  • Customers notice dynamic signup forms easier and they are more willing to sign up with them when they’re targeted.

By taking note of these key trends, you’ll be able to better create your omnichannel marketing automation campaigns for this year, and the years to come.

Feel free to download the infographic  here.