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Make some green this
St. Patrick's Day

Ever year, brands are selling on average 15% more products on St. Patrick's Day. Don't miss out this year — get your St. Patrick's Day email & SMS campaigns ready in no time with Omnisend.

Start free
Make some <span>green</span> this <br>St. Patrick's Day

These stats don't lie

Omnisend's data shows that more people are ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day -- which means they're probably looking for your products. Take a look at some of the most eye-opening reasons you need to get started today


Start early, win big

Every year, brands that are starting their St. Patrick's Day campaigns earlier are selling more. In fact, sales begin to really kick of from March 12, and continue to ramp up every day until the biggest sales day of the year — St. Patrick’s Day on March 17. More than 75% of all sales are made from March 12-17.

Get the full stats report here
Start early, win big

Easy start with St. Patrick's Day templates

If you're looking to get started creating your St. Patrick's Day email campaigns, don't worry -- we've got your back. With more than 250 email templates available for events and holidays throughout the year, you'll find beautiful, on-brand email templates that you can edit and send out within minutes.

Learn more about email campaigns
Easy start with St. Patrick's Day templates

Welcome them on autopilot & get 50% to buy

Welcome messages were the best performing automation workflow on St. Patrick's Day over the last three years. In fact, half of all welcome messages ended up in a sale. Yup — a 50% conversion rate from one message that you can set up in one click with our automation presets.

Learn more about automation
Welcome them on autopilot & get 50% to buy
popups & signup forms

Turn more visitors into subscribers

When shoppers come to your store for your St. Patrick's Day sales, don't waste the opportunity. Use our library of templates to create beautiful, on-brand popups & signup forms to capture more visitors and turn them into lifelong customers.

Learn more about popups & forms
Turn more visitors into subscribers

Did you know...?

Give your ecommerce store the greatest chance of success by adding these proven tips into your St. Patrick's Day email marketing strategy

Add SMS for <br>47% better sales

Add SMS for
47% better sales

Brands that send both email & SMS in combination are seeing 47.7% better sales than using email alone

Learn more
Use Welcome & <br>Abandoned carts

Use Welcome &
Abandoned carts

The second best automation is the Abandoned cart workflow, which allows you to recover lost sales in no time

Learn more
Don't forget push notifications

Don't forget push notifications

Brands that are sending web push notifications are seeing conversion rates as high as 46% on St. Patrick's Day

Learn more

Plug & play connection with your store

Omnisend is fully integrated with all major ecommerce platforms – no third-party connectors required.