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Designed for High-growth Ecommerce Businesses

Why settle for just email, when you can have it all? Integrate more channels into your automation workflows, send more personalized messages, and create the brand you’ve always had the potential to be. All from one centralized platform.

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Designed for High-growth Ecommerce Businesses
  • 5

    Channels for connecting with your customers

    Reach your customers in more ways by adding several channels to your automation workflows
  • 100K+

    Happy customers worldwide

    No matter where you are on this blue planet, we’re here to help you build a better relationship with your customers.
  • 3+

    Integrations with the main ecommerce platforms

    Plus many more integrations possible with our developer-friendly API
  • 50+

    Integrations with the apps you’re already using

    Omnisend can almost do it all, but for anything it can’t do, there’s an integration for it.

Designed for making marketing relevant

It’s time to get more out of your marketing- and whether that’s a higher ROI, a better rapport with your customers, or more time out of your day, Omnisend let’s you get it done quicker and easier.

Designed for making marketing relevant

Save time for working on your core business

When you need to shave hours off your week in operational tasks, Omnisend can help make that happen. Let us handle sending your messages. You have bigger things to worry about.

Save time for working on your core business

All in one marketing tool

No more juggling tabs in your browser, you can do it all from Omnisend.



Integrate several channels into the same automation workflow

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Newsletters, email blasts, easy drag-and-drop builder, everything you need to make your emails great

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Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

Build custom automation workflows to meet your needs or work quickly from one of our popular templates

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Never send an irrelevant message again! Target your messages to the right person at the right time

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Build your email list quickly and organically with more capture options than any other tool on the market

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Go further than just [First Name], your customers deserve the personal touch

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I just started using Omnisend, but I can tell you that it's the most professional and easy to use email service I've ever seen. Honestly, it's just superb. If you are serious about email marketing, I wouldn't hesitate for one second to install Omnisend.

Retro Hip Hop Shop


5 Minutes

5 Minutes

Average ticket response time



Current client satisfaction rating after contact with our support

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

And dedicated account managers available to help you grow your business