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2020 Ecommerce Marketing Statistics Report:Email, SMS and Push Messaging

For online businesses, increasing ecommerce sales is the name of the game. But with a finite team and resources, sinking your time and effort into the wrong strategies can be costly. Don’t rely on guesswork to increase sales.

In our 2020 year-end statistics report, we analyzed more than 10 billion emails and 31 million SMS and web push messages and show which channels and specific messages are proven to increase sales, messaging trends of each channel, and how to apply their performance to your marketing program in 2021.

White paper

Increase your sales, not your workload. In this report, you’ll find:

  • Email performance metrics and trends with promotional email campaigns
  • Which automated email series generate the most sales
  • SMS messaging trends and why now is the time to start
  • Key takeaways from the holiday season
  • The biggest lessons to apply to your own programs in 2021
  • … and more

This past year, there were 378% more SMS messages sent than during 2019. In both years, sends increased quarter-over-quarter from Q1 through Q4.

2020 Ecommerce Marketing Statistics Report: Email, SMS, and Push Messaging
