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tool hub

Make your marketing easier

Take the pressure off your email & SMS marketing tasks. From helping you craft the perfect subject line to instantly calculating your email ROI and much more, our free interactive tools are designed to save your time and simplify your work.


Subject line tester

Use our subject line tester to optimize your headlines for maximum engagement & opens, making every email count.

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Subject line generator

Get rid of creative blocks with the power of AI. Use our subject line generator to come up with new ideas and craft the perfect line for your next email in seconds.

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Email ROI calculator

It's not just about sending emails, it's about recognizing their value. Discover how emails impact your bottom line and optimize your future campaigns.

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SMS length calculator

Get everything you need to make your SMS campaigns send-ready. Count characters, calculate costs, and preview your texts on different phones.

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Pricing comparison

Choosing the right email marketing provider can be daunting. Use our tool to make an informed decision that fits your budget and needs.

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Product description generator

Use our AI-powered generator to create engaging, informative, and persuasive descriptions.

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A/B result test tool

Calculate the statistical significance of your A/B split conversion test with our easy to use statistical significance calculator.

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AI email generator

With this AI email writer, you can generate emails to save time and boost your email marketing results in seconds.

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