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Easily manage emails across multiple stores

Running multiple brands or have separate international ecommerce stores? Omnisend makes it easy to manage multi-store email marketing and automations in a time-saving and efficient way.

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Easily switch between stores

Switching to a different store is as easy as switching a toggle–no need to log in and out every time.

No more tedious duplicate work

All the templates and workflows you create once can be later re-shared between all your stores for faster setup and daily use.

Manage multiple channels at once

Running separate tools for email, SMS and push for your multiple stores can get clunky. With Omnisend, you can easily manage your stores, and channels, from a single account.


Design once, reuse indefinitely

If you’re running multiple international stores for your brand, or have an idea for a single template to be reused across brands, you’ll only need to build it once. To get started, you can pick & build on one of our email templates. It can then be saved and reused both for the same store as well as by any other store under your account.

Design once, reuse indefinitely

Automate, convert, replicate

Just like with email templates, you can replicate any of your automation workflows from one store to another. You can set up some key workflows in one store, learn how they’re doing, make any adjustments needed and then simply copy-paste them to other connected stores. Think of it as finding your ideal recipe to automate sales, and then easily replicating it across your multiple businesses.

Automate, convert, replicate

All your stores at your fingertips

You can jump between your stores by easily accessing them from your Account drop-down menu, which saves you the time and hassle of entering & remembering separate passwords. You can also always connect new stores to your account without going through all the account setup from scratch.

All your stores at your fingertips

An ecommerce marketing platform for all your stores

No more juggling of multiple platforms and logins. Connect multiple stores under a single Omnisend account and drive more sales with our ecommerce-focused marketing platform.

Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

Build beautiful, shoppable emails using our templates and a drag & drop Email Builder.

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Drive sales on autopilot with pre-built workflows for cart recovery, new subscribers and more.

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Personalize your messages using ecommerce-tailored segmentation.

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Grow your subscribers with exit-intent popups, landing pages and other forms.

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Track sales & learn what’s working best with our dashboards and reporting tools.

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Multiple Channels

Multiple Channels

Combine email, SMS and push notifications for more reach & conversions.

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