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Use AI
to build better
emails, faster

Whether you’re generating subject lines or entire emails, our new AI superpowers will help you create on-brand emails that sell.

No more blank page

Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. That’s why we’re embedding AI in Omnisend so you can generate entire emails from scratch.

No more blank page

Create & recreate emails until you’re happy

Simply type in your email topic and generate email content from scratch. Regenerate parts that you want to improve, add in your products, and send your campaigns when you’re happy.

Create & recreate emails until you’re happy

Generate catchy subject lines that get opened

Type in your email topic, and Omnisend’s AI will generate subject lines that fit perfectly. Pick the one you love, or generate new options until you find the one that grabs your audience’s attention.

Generate catchy subject lines that get opened

Create in español, italiano, 中文, and much more

Omnisend’s AI text assistant speaks your language, so you can talk to your customers in Spanish, French, Chinese, or any other language you prefer.

Create in español, italiano, 中文, and much more

This is just the beginning...

At Omnisend, we know how to give you what you need, fast. AI is developing at breakneck speed, and we’ll keep on releasing features that will make your work easier and your sales bigger.