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Kickstart service

We'll help you get set up in no time by migrating your workflows, segments, and other crucial contact data. By the way - it's all on us. Sit back, relax, and enjoy better prices.

Migrate Your Contacts

Omnisend will migrate the contacts from your existing email tool to your Omnisend Account


Migration of your welcome series, abandoned cart, and one additional workflow of your choosing (templates not included)

Migrate Segments

Create up to 5 Segments of your choosing in Omnisend, based on the criteria you provide

Migrate Forms

We will create up to 3 sign-up forms or popups of your choosing

Template Migration

We will re-create 1 Master Template for you in Omnisend. You let us know which one you'd like for us to clone from your existing tool

SMS verification

Toll-Free Number Verification process submitted on your behalf

Migration package valued at $1000

Follow the instructions and reach out to [email protected]

Start migration