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Improve your targeting with easy segmentation

Personalize your messages based on your contacts shopping behavior and improve your conversions using Omnisend's intuitive, ecommerce-tailored segmentation.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.


Target different types of customers

Omnisend has been designed primarily for ecommerce businesses, therefore our segmentation allows you to filter your audience based on a variety of transactional events and purchase behaviors. Thanks to our full-integration with ecommerce platforms, you can leverage all of your data and segment your customers based on the items they’re buying, their average order value, their purchase recency and so much more.

Target different types of customers

Keep your best customers engaged

Our customer lifecycle based segmentation takes the guesswork out of retention marketing. Omnisend dynamically assigns each customer a lifecycle stage and presents this data in an easy-to-read lifecycle stage map. That way, you can prioritize and personalize your retention strategies to the most valuable shoppers, keeping your brand top of mind and driving more repeat purchases.

Learn more about customer lifecycle stages
Keep your best customers engaged

The lifecycle stage map is an incredible opportunity for a small business. This is the kind of thing that, otherwise, takes a marketing team to be able to do. It’s a simple way to see our customers’ shopping or purchasing habits in one place, and it’s really helped us to be able to target different groups. We’re competing with larger businesses, and this allows us to have that reach at the right time.

Angèl Foster

Co-Owner of Island Olive Oil Company


Improve your deliverability

Holding full data on your audience engagement and using that for segmentation helps you build a more thoughtful sending schedule and improves all your key metrics–from getting more opens to maintaining a healthy delivery rate. Think weekly deals for your most engaged contacts or regular win-back campaigns for lapsed customers–all available with Omnisend’s easy segmentation.

Improve your deliverability

Enjoy a flexible way to segment

Whether it's your first time building an audience segment or you're the personalization pro already, you'll find that Omnisend's segmentation is both easy to use and robust. You can combine multiple rules, choose from a variety of filters and narrow down your targeting to very specific contacts who will find your messaging most relevant.

Enjoy a flexible way to segment

Smart, dynamic targeting

Conditional content blocks


Use our Segment Suggestions as your shortcut to building your first segments, reaching more inboxes, and reactivating more contacts

Personalized recommendations

Segments updated
in real-time

No need for manual or complex imports anymore–your saved segments are automatically updated in real-time.

Automation splits


Organize your contacts with tags - an extra layer of contact information for hyper-personalized messaging.


Seamlessly retarget your segments

Improve your PPC targeting and tap into new, high-affinity audiences by using Omnisend's built-in audience sync with:

Seamlessly retarget your segments

Personalized messaging across every channel

Use segmentation to target your messaging across all Omnisend channels.



Include or exclude segments in your newsletters and email automations.

Learn more


Keep SMS as a more personal channel by sending only the most relevant, customer-tailored texts.

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Web push notifications

Web push notifications

Untap the potential of push with targeted offers and event-based automations.

Learn more