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What customers love about Omnisend

Whether it’s the omnichannel marketing, the ecommerce-friendly features, or the crazy easy-to-use platform, our customers have tons of reasons to love Omnisend.

"Omnisend was a game-changer regarding our e-mail marketing! We love how easy and fast is to customize our e-mail templates, we've got compliments from customers and it helped us to boost sales. The customer service is also great and the tutorial videos are very well explained. I highly recommend it!"

Aline L

"I have really enjoyed using Omnisend as part of our marketing strategy. I am not someone who was trained in design or coding, so a platform that makes it easy to create, follow up and keep track of our email efforts is vital, and Omnisend does just that."

Maria Alejandra G.

"I love its simplicity and it doesn't require setting ups. Its quick to start with and most importantly its user friendly. Omnisend allows me to grow my business through email marketing and also have the ability to build landing pages."

Sandrine M.

"The automation works lovely. We have made more sales using practical workflows, like the abandoned cart. We love the pop-up and the dynamic sales discount codes."

Marbe B.

"Omnisend is the best email marketing tool for our fashion brand. We have used this tool a lot for our automations and campaigns, on a daily basis. We overall loved this tool for our automations and customer engagement."

Chetan A.

"Omnisend helped me to create great abandoned cart emails and flows. My revenue from email skyrocketed, not only recovering abandoned carts but also when broadcasting content emails."

Nuno C.

"My experience with Omnisend, as well as my team's, has been very good. The interface is very intuitive, and the help features were there in the rare occasions we needed them. We've never felt more in touch with our customers."

"Great experience and enjoy the consistent and reliable automated email marketing that frees up my time"

Nate P.

"Omnisend makes it incredibly easy to set up and launch marketing campaigns using email, SMS, Facebook Messenger and more. The integration with Shopify is seamless and setting up coupons, abandon cart sequences, etc. is a breeze."

Akande D.

"Omnisend was really good for SMS and Email Marketing. Love the reporting, love the heat map to show user cases, and A/B testing is easy to deploy."

Jisselle B.

"Overall, Omnisend is a good option for any small or medium sized business's marketing function. It probably actually does boost sales materially, and it's one of the few companies that can actually deliver on that talking point."

Greg U.

"I have been able to communicate with my customers and stay connected with them. Omnisend has made it possible to send emails with ease, set up campaigns and monitor traffic on my store."

Maryann A.

"Omnisend is a WONDERFUL email marketing app with several tools to up your marketing game! Super easy to view analytics, create templates, and create the BEST emails for customers. They also have several useful guide videos that cover any topic you need help on."

"I was looking for a comprehensive email marketing tool to support our ecommerce platform. Omnisend has proven to be excellent. Simply. Powerful. Easy to onboard! Excellent 24x7 chat. Yeah, real chat."

Berwyn Betty's Bath & Body Shop

"I've been using this service for close to a year and am happy with it! If you ever need support or have questions, they are very responsive and helpful. I would definitely recommend this service to Shopify stores looking to launch and manage e-mail and marketing campaigns."


"Have been using Omnisend as our email marketing platform for about a year...switched from Mailchimp. Omnisend's software has been easy to use and their Customer service is excellent! They are pretty quick answering any questions we've had so far."

The Jerky Hut Online

What our Twitter followers love about Omnisend

Love for Omnisend is everywhere! Check out what our customers have to say on Twitter.


We’ve been able to generate more than $120,000 in less than a year with just this email automation feature


By approaching the person at the right time with relevant information, you create trustworthiness around the brand. We increased organic signup by 140 %


Omnisend is a great marketing tool that should better the fortune of your business. #customerretention #customerloyalty #CX


Still unsure? Read some customer stories to change your mind

Finding success with Omnisend is not exceptional. Check out just a few stories of Omnisend customers who have used Omnisend to boost their ecommerce revenue.

How Naked & Famous Denim Drives Sales with Omnisend and One-on-One Support
How Naked & Famous Denim Drives Sales with Omnisend and One-on-One Support
How SM Global Shop meets success with testing and tending to the customer journey
How SM Global Shop meets success with testing and tending to the customer journey
How To’ak Chocolate Increased Email-Generated Revenue by 460%
How To’ak Chocolate Increased Email-Generated Revenue by 460%