With over 130+ pre-built integrations and flexible APIs, you can easily centralize data from across your tech stack
Make the most out of your data and unlock powerful growth marketing possibilities with these other top marketing tools.
Build any custom integration with our open, flexible APIs that are simple to use and implement.
Check out apps that have been stealing all the spotlight.
Email and SMS marketing insights, ecommerce resources, and the latest Omnisend news
Featuring insights and analysis into all aspects of DTC ecommerce
Educational video and live training to help you make the most out of Omnisend.
Successful email & SMS strategies that you can copy for your own store.
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When you’re running your business, you don’t need more adventure. What you need is certainty. Get clearer insights into your customers so you can make your sales more reliable, and even boring — in a refreshing, I-don’t-have-to-worry-about-it-anymore way.
Try outWe’re making it easier for you to understand your sales. Analyze your sales reports for any time period in a single view. Compare how much revenue each channel – email, SMS and push – brings, and dig deeper into the stuff that works. More certainty, less worry.
Try outAnalyze campaign & automation performance for all channels, on any time frame, so you can spot trends and double down on what
works — and improve what doesn’t. See much more, more clearly.
Making smart decisions is easier than ever. We’ve updated our reporting to be more intuitive, effective, and consistent. Together with uniformed metrics data, you’ll find it so refreshingly easy, you might even get bored.
Sometimes, the answers are in the details — the ones you discover as you go. We’ve gone on a quest to dig deeper than surface-level stats, so you don’t have to.
Zoom in on any time period to compare past performance to current patterns and highlight areas that need extra attention. Your data is stored indefinitely, so you’ll always have access to it.
Get channel-level insights for email, SMS, and push notifications. Track sales, monitor SMS costs, and review engagement and deliverability metrics.
Great campaigns mean nothing if no one sees them. Monitor the health of each channel’s deliverability and spot issues immediately, so you can fix them before they impact results.
Identify what works best for your audience. Track how people engage with your campaigns and discover trends that help you create more effective strategies.
Set attribution windows and touchpoints for each channel separately to align with your strategy. Past metrics are recalculated with every change, ensuring consistent data across all reports.
Understand how different groups respond to your campaigns. Break down sales by audience segment to create more personalized content and improve future performance.