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Gin &
Mac &
Email &
You & Omnisend.

Strong alone,
beautiful together.

Get further with email & SMS

Merchants using email & SMS are seeing 47% better conversions than using email alone. That means you can get much better sales this Black Friday, without breaking a sweat. Getting started now with email & SMS means you’ll have much less to worry about in November.

Black Friday headstart calculator

Still think it’s too early to start preparing for Black Friday? See how much more 💰💰💰 you can make if you get a headstart with Omnisend!

Monthly traffic

How many people visit your online store each month on average?

Days left till Black Friday:

How many days are
left until 24-11-2023
Possible new subscribers

The calculations are based on the 3.8 avarage conversion rate and $6.86 revenue per subscriber.

This is how many new email & SMS subscribers you’d have by Black Friday if you started collecting them with Omnisend’s signup forms right now.

Possible new revenue

The calculations are based on the 3.8 avarage conversion rate and $6.86 revenue per subscriber.

This is how much revenue you’d generate from your new subscribers with Omnisend.

Your customers love your texts

54% of customers would love to get promotional SMS from you, so it’s not spam — it’s value. Faster. Even better, not only can you get sales before and during Black Friday, but you can use SMS to get repeat sales from all your new customers.

Easily grab their number

Multi-step forms make it easy to break up your sign up forms, so you don’t have to ask for all their information at one time. Got their email? Great. Next grab their phone number. Easy. Collecting their email & SMS now means you can send your Black Friday campaigns earlier — a proven way to get more engagement & sales.

“SMS is a golden opportunity. 80% of our visitors are on mobile, and being able to speak to them directly is a great option. Combined with email, it’s a powerful combination.”
Dan Judd

Head of Digital Vape Superstore UK