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Reach your contacts in Facebook and Google

Omnisend’s built-in audience sync enables you to dynamically sync contact segments into Facebook and Google for more effective ad targeting.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.

Get ready for cookie-less advertising

Audience Sync allows you to retarget your contacts on Facebook & Google using their email addresses, not cookies. That means you will be able to continue segmenting and targeting different types of audiences even after Google will stop supporting cookies by the end of 2022.

No CSVs required

Sync your Omnisend segments to your ad accounts in a few clicks and forget about the manual work with CSVs.

Laser-targeted segments

Use Omnisend's segmentation to leverage your customer data and retarget or build lookalikes of very specific, data-driven audiences.

Up-to-date audiences

Unlike other solutions with hourly data syncs, Omnisend syncs your contacts to Facebook every 5-15 minutes keeping your audiences timely and relevant.

Simple & transparent pricing

Our SMS pricing is based on an SMS credits subscription system–these credits can be used to send both SMS and MMS messages. Feel free to start, refill and cancel your SMS credits subscription at any time.

Simple & transparent pricing
Facebook Custom Audiences

Your Omnisend segments are dynamically synced to your Facebook ads account as custom audiences. You can target them in Facebook and Instagram.

Google Customer Match

Your Omnisend segments are dynamically synced to your Google ads account and can be used as Customer Match audiences. You can target them in Google Search, Display, Gmail and Youtube.

Leverage our powerful segmentation

Go beyond the ‘all customers’ audience and target precise contacts using our flexible, ecommerce-focused segmentation. Segment based on shopping history, customer lifecycle stages and more behavioral variables to build valuable, highly-converting segments and reach them across owned or paid channels.

Leverage our powerful segmentation

Improve your ads targeting

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Retarget your contacts

Increase your reach and the chances to convert by retargeting your less-active customers or new top-of-funnel contacts.

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Build smarter lookalikes

Put your customer data to work and sync it to Facebook or Google in order to build lookalikes and find more valuable customers.

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Decrease your CAC

Optimize your acquisition costs by excluding customer segments, which capture and sync new contacts as soon as they convert.