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Take your customer on an automated journey

Our no-code automation editor allows you to easily build and customize an automated set of messages with your customer. Include email, SMS, and web push notifications, trigger paths according to your customer behavior, or A/B test it if you are not sure which way to go.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.


Build your automation within minutes

You don't need to have any advanced skills to build an automation that drives sales. With our drag & drop Automation Editor you can adjust the sequence, add and remove additional channels, clone messages, include splits, and fully customize your automation. Everything is displayed visually for you to easily understand when & what your customer will see.

Build your automation within minutes

“It’s just the ease of the automated workflows. I’ve worked with quite a few different online platforms for emails. With Omnisend, it’s so easy to set up, and it’s so easy to be able to make changes if you need to.”

Stacey Dixon

Graphic Designer


When email is not enough

Catch your customer's attention with different channels - include email, SMS, or web push notifications into one workflow to maximize the possibility of converting your customers.

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Web push notifications
When email is not enough

Send the right message to the right customer

Build automation that is highly relevant for your customers. How? Within one automation, you can choose from a broad selection of behavioral triggers, split different paths, or A/B test to have a better understanding of which way to go.

Select a trigger

Select a trigger

Choose what will trigger your automation between shopping activity, segment entry/exit, browsing activity, form engagement, or custom events.

Use Automation Splits

Use Automation Splits

Split your audience based on a variety of filters and send them down the different messaging paths.

A/B test

A/B test

Test to see which channel, incentive, or subject line drives you most conversions, and make data-driven decisions to improve your workflows.

Built-In Message Reports

Learn and optimize without leaving the editor

Track sales and engagement data for each workflow message to optimize your automation without leaving the Automation Editor.

Learn and optimize without leaving the editor