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Run your first automation in minutes

Choose a pre-built workflow for every step of your customer journey to improve your conversions and customer engagement. We've pre-built all the messages, subject lines, and workflow settings you need, so you can get up and running in minutes.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.


Say a friendly Hello

Greet your newest subscribers with a friendly email or offer them a discount and encourage them to purchase after signup with a choice of one or a set of three emails

Say a friendly Hello

Remind about yourself

Win back the shoppers who view products and leave your online store with Abandoned Cart and Product/Browse Abandonment pre-built workflows.

  • Abandoned Cart/Abandoned Cart Value Split
  • Product Abandonment/Product Abandonment Engagement Split
  • Browse Abandonment/Browse Abandonment Engagement Split
Remind about yourself

Suggest some more

Drive more sales by suggesting more recommended products based on your customers' previous orders with Cross-Sell and Order Follow-Up automation templates.

  • Cross-Sell
  • Order Follow-Up
Suggest some more

Treasure your loyal ones

Show exceptional attention to your loyal customers by sending them Birthday greetings or collect feedback to know more about them.

  • Birthday
  • Customer Feedback
Treasure your loyal ones

Don’t let go so easily

Re-engage idle customers who haven't made any new orders for a selected period of time with the Customer Reactivation templates.

Don’t let go so easily

Transactional Emails

Save your time by using these pre-built transactional confirmation emails for smooth shopping experience.

Order confirmation

Order confirmation

Send an order confirmation SMS or an email with a purchase receipt to your customers right after they make a purchase.

Shipping Confirmation

Shipping Confirmation

Give your customers a smile by letting them know their order is on its way.

Cancellation Confirmation

Cancellation Confirmation

Reassure your customers with a confirmation email when they cancel their recently placed order.