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Boost Revenue by Suggesting Relevant Products Through Our Cross Selling Platform

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Sell additional products

Automatically boost your online sales by suggesting related products based on the specific product your customers have already bought. Such products may belong to a different product category, but they need to complement the one that your customer already bought - just like shorts and sneakers for t-shirt.

Sell additional products

More value from initial purchase

Although cross-selling techniques are often used as part of the on-site shopping experience (think about all kinds of bundles!), this tactic can also work perfectly with email after the purchase is already done. Just don't be overwhelmed by the great idea of selling more, as the products you cross-sell should help the customer get more value from their initial purchase. Correctly implemented, cross-selling techniques feel natural and improve the customer’s buying experience by showing them complementary items that can increase the value of the initial purchase. For example, by pairing a skirt with turtleneck top, you’re not only increasing your chances of generating more revenue from the same customer, but also showing the breadth of your product range.

More value from initial purchase

Give extra reasons to buy

While using Cross-Sell automation workflow, don't forget that extra nudge can convince your customer to make an extra purchase faster. Consider offering your customers a coupon code with a discount or free shipping on their next purchase. You know that gaining a new customer is always way more expensive than retaining an existing one, so show some extra love to them.

Boost Your Revenue Today

Convince those who have already decided to purchase from you to add more products to their carts. Cross-selling products is a great way to increase your AOV with customers that are already on the final stage of their customer journey. By recommending the perfect, most relevant product, you can get your customer to purchase more, or reconvert quicker. Learn more about how to use cross-selling here.