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Customer Reactivation

Bring Customers Back into The Fold

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Make sure your inactive customers come back

Sometimes, customers go quiet. They could be busy, they may have forgotten about your brand and products, or they may have started looking for other brands. But that doesn’t mean you have to let them go. All you need to do is continue on with the great relationship you’ve built with them. Send them one or a sequence of customer reactivation emails to make sure you keep the contact and continue offering them the value that they want and need. Just set it up once for customers who haven’t bought from you in a while, and your customer reactivation messages will go out to them at the right time.

Make sure your inactive customers come back

Customize your messages to reflect your brand

Sending customer reactivation messages isn’t all about getting them to buy again. It’s also to remind them of what your brand is. Therefore, we suggest you make sure your design is on-brand, meaning they reflect the colors, images and styles you’ve worked so hard to design on your website. With that, they’ll not only remember all the great value you’ve provided, but you’ll continue to build up your brand.

Customize your messages to reflect your brand

Make the offers irresistible

Increase your customer’s lifetime value by sending out the customer reactivation emails when they haven’t bought from you in a while. But don’t just send them reminder emails--make sure the messages show off your best products with great offerings. You can send them a great, unique discount, free gifts, free shipping, or any other irresistible offer. That way, not only will you continue to provide value, but you’ll get your customer to buy from you again.