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Drive more repeat purchases with product recommendations

Turn one-time buyers into repeat customers with relevant product suggestions of personalized, newest or best selling items.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.


Cross-sell with unique suggestions

Personalized Recommendations use your shoppers' order history to predict and showcase the products that are most likely to be bought by each individual customer. Simply put - using it is the easiest way to nudge customers into more repeat purchases with relevant, customer-tailored content. Personalized Recommendations are available in all automations sent to your existing customers.

Cross-sell with unique suggestions

Promote your top products

Sharing your hottest items is a great way to keep your customers up to date with your brand and even encourage some subtle FOMO. Showcasing the best sellers doesn’t even take any work - we’ll automatically pull your most trending products for you.

Promote your top products

Engage with new arrivals

With Omnisend, promoting your new arrivals is easy - you only need to pick the Product Recommender block and we’ll dynamically fill your email with a selected number of your newest products. It works perfectly as a central piece of your ‘new in store’ email, or as extra content for your regular newsletters.

Engage with new arrivals

Product recommendations in your email strategy

With Omnisend, you can easily integrate dynamic product suggestions throughout your email marketing strategy.

Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

Add best-selling or newest items to your shoppable newsletters for higher engagement & extra sales potential.

Transactional Automations

Transactional Automations

Make use of the high engagement for transactional emails and add recommended products to drive repeat purchases.

Post-Purchase Automations

Post-Purchase Automations

Set up a cross-sell or order follow-up workflow with recommended items that your shoppers are most likely to buy next.