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Get the full picture on your performance

Get all your key performance metrics, trends and best-performing activities highlighted in a single view, readily available to filter & act on.

Start free

Full access. No credit card required.

Everything you need to keep track of

Find the answers and spot the trends in a single view. The campaign and automation performance dashboards are your go-to tabs to keep track of all main KPIs and easily analyze their change over time.

Everything you need to keep track of

Best performers, listed down

As you’re pushing out new campaigns and building new workflows, you’ll need an easy way to learn which have been driving you the most sales and engagement. With Advanced Reporting, you don’t need to perform any data-mapping and sorting–we’ll provide you with up-to-date, sorted lists of your best-performing activities so you know which strategies are working out best.

Best performers, listed down

Omnichannel view of your activities

Combining multiple channels on a single platform is just the beginning–to be able to successfully run your omnichannel marketing, you need to easily track and compare the cross-channel performance. Advanced Reporting dashboards will help you do exactly that–all presented KPIs are split by channel, making it easy to spot trends and make necessary adjustments.

Omnichannel view of your activities

Analyze & improve your results with Advanced Reporting

Filter as you please

Filter as you please

Filter the stats by your preferred time-frame and marketing channel.

Visualize performance trends

Visualize performance trends

Visualize your key metrics across multiple channels over time to easily spot the trends.

Gain deliverability insights

Gain deliverability insights

Track how your emails are performing based on the recipients’ email domain.