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Stay Ahead of the Curve with SMS Marketing

Ten years ago, no one could even imagine that text messages would bring the stunning results as they do. Generating a 29% engagement rate per campaign with 50% of those engaged purchasing, SMS marketing is a must-have tool in every ecommerce arsenal. Download our whitepaper to get a broader understanding and ready-made tactics for integrating SMS marketing into your existing marketing strategy.

White paper

In this whitepaper, you will learn:

  • The reasons behind SMS marketing being on the rise today
  • How SMS marketing performs for holiday sales
  • How your business can benefit from text message marketing
  • The go-to SMS marketing tactics you should test out today

Learn more about SMS marketing today by downloading our whitepaper.

While 54% of consumers want to receive text promotions, only 13% of SMBs actually deliver them.

- Text Communication Report, 2019