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Find the Features that Boost Ecommerce Growth

While ecommerce and email marketing go hand-in-hand, ecommerce businesses have unique needs that not all email providers can meet. Many online DTC brands have realized that using a generalist email provider limits their ecommerce growth potential. They need an ESP specifically built for ecommerce.

White paper

This whitepaper will breakdown the ecommerce-specific functionality that matters to online DTC brands looking to increase their sales:

  • How an email marketing provider and ecommerce platform should integrate
  • The most important ecommerce features and their ease of use
  • What matters, and key questions when it comes to customer support
  • Automated workflow functionality, available channels, and what to look for
  • And much more.

Learn more about SMS marketing today by downloading our whitepaper.

“Choosing an email provider specifically designed for ecommerce businesses can help you simplify your marketing efforts by bringing the features you need all under one platform—reducing the need to pay for extra software and services.”

- Text Communication Report, 2019