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Hello, more freedom

On February 28, 2023, we’re saying goodbye to the classic Form Builder. Use the new, improved Form Builder today to create beautiful forms more quickly.

Open form in new builder

Less time spent creating popups


More ready-made


More customizable, easier forms

We’re constantly updating the new Form Builder based on your feedback. Look at some of the recent updates we’ve introduced.

Landing page templates

We’ve got loads of eye-catching templates you can use to easily create landing pages

Easy scheduling

Any form can be scheduled in advance, so you don’t have to manually enable or disable your forms

Add Wheel of Fortune

You’re now able to add the gamified Wheel of Fortune to your popups or Landing pages

Turn your popup into a page

Easily transform your popup into a Landing page with just one click

“The new Form Builder is so intuitive, easy & effective.”
Vaida Ribinskaite,

Son de Flor


Switching from the classic Form Builder you've grown to know and love can seem a bit scary. Don't worry, we've got you covered. These FAQs explain what will happen over the next few months as you move to the new Form Builder.

What will happen to my existing forms?

We will be incrementally moving your forms over to the new Form Builder by February 28, 2023.

Landing pages will automatically be redirected from the old URL to the new one, so you won’t need to change anything on your side. Similarly, your embedded forms will automatically be re-embedded. This only applies if we move your forms for you. If you choose to move your forms yourself, you will have to manually update your landing page URLs and the code for your embedded forms.

After we move your forms, they will continue collecting performance metrics, so that your views, signups, and signup rates will carry over to the new forms.

How can I move my existing forms to the new Form Builder?

Before February 28, 2023, you’ll be able to easily turn your classic forms into the new forms. Simply click on “Open in New Builder” next to your existing forms, and they’ll be recreated with the new Form Builder. All you’ll have to do is make the necessary adjustments (if any) and enable it. Don’t forget to disable the classic forms and remember to adjust automations if you’re using any.

Will my forms look the same?

Your new forms will look even better, with a cleaner, more modern look and better spacing. If you’ve set up your Brand Assets, you can create consistently branded forms.

The new Form Builder also allows you to build flexible forms, display target options more easily, incorporate teasers, and schedule your forms.

What improvements will I see?

Compared to the classic Form Builder, the new Form Builder allows you to drag and drop items into your form, mix and match different styles and layouts, and create new forms 25% faster.

If you want to create a landing page and later change it to either a popup or an embedded form, you just need to click one button. You can also transform a popup into a landing page. All your settings will be saved automatically. You can also easily undo or redo all changes, so no information is lost.

How and when will I be informed about the changes?

You’ll receive all the news, updates and details about moving to the new Form Builder with both in-app messages in Omnisend and via email.

Are there any features that will be removed? Why and when?

There are a few features that will no longer be supported in the new Form Builder:

Language presets will no longer be available, but your current presets will be migrated.

The Google mobile-friendly option won’t be a separate feature. In the new Form Builder, this is covered with separate targeting for mobile. If you want to have your popup collapsed on mobile you can create a separate form for mobile only and add a Teaser option to it. If you choose not to use a Teaser, make sure your form does not pop up instantly when the page is loaded since it might negatively affect your Google score.

Newsletter signup forms will be discontinued in January. Shopify and BigCommerce customers will have their contacts automatically synced to Omnisend. Other customers will be able to use the fully-featured embedded forms instead of Newsletter signup forms.

What will happen to my customized forms?

The custom CSS feature will not be available on the new Form Builder.  Therefore, if you have custom CSS on the classic Form Builder, you may not have some features or stylings that you customized or coded when your form is transferred to the new Form Builder. Once these forms have been transferred, please review and make any necessary adjustments.

Already switched to the new Form Builder?

If you've already switched to the new Form Builder – that's great! Nothing else for you to do. But did you know we've also introduced a new Email Builder? If you haven't moved to the new Email Builder yet, click the button below.

Switch to the new email builder