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Gorgias is a help desk for ecommerce stores that helps you automate up to 40% of your customer support. Over 5,000+ brands like Good American, Timbuk2, and Steve Madden use Gorgias to reduce ticket response time, increase the efficiency of their customer support teams, and to create new sales opportunities.

Omnisend customers get 1-month free with Gorgias by paying for their first month. If you opt for an annual plan this equates to 2-free months! Gorgias will buy out your current helpdesk contract and migrate up to 2 years worth of ticket data. Hassle-free!

Gorgias gives your customer support team an all-in-one help desk experience across email, live chat, phone, Facebook, Instagram (DM’s coming soon!), and contact pages all in a unified view to streamline your support tickets, saving you time and money (check out this 1-minute video).