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Get your first month free with Loox and start building social proof.

Get it now

Loox is a social proof solution that helps over 100K Shopify brands grow their business with visual reviews, referrals, and upsells. 

  • Collect reviews automatically with customizable emails 
  • Encourage repeat purchases by offering discounts for visual reviews
  • Display reviews beautifully using Loox’s on-brand, easy-to-set review widgets
  • ​​Drive more sales with one-click referrals and social proof upsells
  • Seamlessly integrate Loox with all major themes and apps


Omnisend customers new to Loox get their first month free! Loox is user-friendly and requires no coding for both setup and utilization. Boost trust and revenue with flexible discount incentives for reviews, referral offers, and strategic use of UGC. Integrate Loox with your favorite apps, including Omnisend, to enhance your marketing efforts and drive growth. Learn more.