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Email provider pricing comparison

Compare the top email marketing providers so you can find the best platform for your ecommerce store needs.

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Compare prices for

For the best comparison experience, we recommend selecting 3 to 5 providers

  • Omnisend
  • Klaviyo
  • Mailchimp
  • Drip
  • Moosend
  • Active Campaign
  • GetResponse
  • Mailerlite

Which provider is right for you?

Tier 1

This is usually the basic or standard plan

Tier 2

This is usually the standard or premium plan

Tier 3

This is usually the advanced or enterprise plan

best value

All prices monthly.

Find out more

Up to 250 contacts

  • All features included


  • 24/7 chat & email support


  • Global SMS
  • +3,933 SMS/mo (US)

Last updated on August 20, 2024

Got questions? Chat with us.

Request more information


It’s my first time trying email marketing. Can I use Omnisend?

Yes, you can sign up for our Free plan and use all of the Omnisend features for unlimited time and send up to 500 emails/month. Send your email campaigns, collect new subscribers with our forms, set up automations to do the hard work for you, and segment your audience to personalize the reach. You can upgrade to the paid plan whenever you feel ready.

Will the Free plan give me access to all the features of your paid plans?

While on a Free plan, you can explore all the features of our paid plans, as well as a variety of channels, including SMS, push notifications, Google Customer Match, and Facebook Custom Audiences. The only limitation on a Free plan is that you can send a maximum of 500 emails/month to up to 250 contacts.

I can’t decide: should I choose a Pro plan or a Standard one?

Top reasons why customers choose the Pro plan over Standard include getting free SMS credits (which means you save a lot for sending SMS) and getting priority support from a dedicated customer success manager (for all Pro plan users with >$400/month plans). If you’re planning to use SMS more heavily and would like to get dedicated support, it’s worth choosing the Pro plan.

How can I pay?

We accept VISA (credit, debit, prepaid), MasterCard (credit, debit, prepaid), and American Express (credit, prepaid) card payments. Discover, Diners Club, JCB, UnionPay cards are not supported.