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The complete guide to omnichannel marketing automation

Increase customer engagement and sales by making your marketing relevant. Download our Complete Guide to Omnichannel Marketing Automation to learn why and how you should be implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy at each step of your customer journey to improve your ecommerce business results.

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The complete guide to omnichannel marketing automation

Read on to find out how you can apply an omnichannel marketing strategy to each step of the customer journey.

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    Campaigns using three or more channels in an automation workflow earned 250% more engagement and purchases

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    Marketers who use an omnichannel marketing strategy experience 90% higher customer retention

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    Customers who have an omnichannel experience spend up to 13% more than those who don’t

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    Most online businesses count 40% of their income from repeat customers, so keep them coming back with an omnichannel marketing automation strategy.


“We definitely try our best to treat our customers well, to the best of our ability, and thereby create loyal customers. We believe that in such a competitive ecommerce industry, success can only be created by your loyal customers returning.”