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omnisend research

Marketing automation statistics 2020

Learn about the rise of SMS, among other channels, and improve your omnichannel automation strategy with insights from our newest report.

Marketing automation statistics 2020
  • 287%

    Higher purchase rate when using 3 or more channels

  • 47.7%

    Higher conversion rate when involving SMS

  • 2755%

    Average SMS ROI

The annual omnichannel marketing statistics reports is ready, and we’ve got the latest statistics from a year-long analysis to help you get ready for 2020.

If you would be interested to check the newest data, we released an annual ecommerce statistics report with main takeaways from 2021.

We saw a marked rise of SMS marketing in 2019 that influenced data across the board as marketers began experimenting with this channel. The results earned from these campaigns were impressive to say the least, and there are a few newer trends that have emerged alongside the rise of SMS.

Here are the key takeaways from the infographic below:

  • Purchase rate of omnichannel campaigns is 287% higher than single-channel campaigns
  • Omnichannel campaigns that involve SMS are 47.7% more likely to end in conversion
  • In fact, SMS earned a 14.2% average CTR and an average ROI of over 2700%
  • Order confirmation has the highest open and click through rate, but the lowest order rate. Online sellers would be wise to take advantage of the elevated open and click through rates to up and cross sell, if nothing else to put your brand in the customer’s mind and make them begin thinking of their next purchase.
  • Welcome series are particularly successful with the highest order rate: 3.02% and a significantly higher average open and click through rate.
  • Cart recovery follows welcome in order rate at 2.35% with a good average open rate at 42.17% and a higher than industry standard click through rate at 10.84%.
  • Birthday series have a particularly high click through rate at 12.54%, a respectable open rate at 42.74%, and a 1.21% order rate
  • The rise of reactivation: reactivation campaigns recovered 2.13% of otherwise churned customers, which not only recovers them in the moment, but potentially for the future as well.
  • Custom automation is the dark horse: among highest open rates at 50.89%, second highest CTR 14.99%, but among the lowest order rates at 1.66%.

Check out the full infographic and statistics below for even more insights!