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Make Customers Feel Special Using Our Birthday Email Software

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Make their special day even more special

Everyone loves having their birthday celebrated, and they love it even more when they get special surprises. You can help to make their special day even more special by setting up your amazing offers to automatically go out on your subscribers’ birthdays. With Omnisend’s flexible automation, you can even set it up to go out before their birthdays, afterwards, or at a specific hour. Just make sure you get their birthday information with one of our powerful signup forms.

Make their special day even more special

Get 5x more sales

Omnisend data shows that happy birthday emails have 5 times higher conversions than regular emails. That’s probably related to the fact that they also have an amazing 45% open rate on average, meaning that this is not only a special day for your subscribers, but also a special opportunity for you to help increase your sales.

Get 5x more sales

Show them that you care

As we’ve said before, a great business is built upon great relationships with your customers. Help strengthen your relationship with each customer by showing them that you really care. When they open their email and get a happy birthday greeting--plus a great offer for one of your products or even a free gift--they’ll fall in love with your brand. That way, you’ll be able to turn your subscriber not just into a customer, but a loyal advocate.