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Add products into your emails with a click

Omnisend's Product Picker helps you add products into your emails right from your store, without the need to manually copy paste anything.

Start free today

Full access. No credit card required.

Import products right from your store

No need to fiddle around with images, prices, titles, and product URLs. With Omnisend’s Product Picker, you’re redirected to your store where you simply click and select the products you want to use in your email, and we auto-sync all the details. You can then adjust and customize the style, colors, copy, and all other elements of the product block.

Import products right from your store

Build your newsletter in minutes

Omnisend makes it easy to build shoppable emails that make people act. After you’ve added your products, you can also drag & drop dynamic discount codes or even special incentive scratch cards, and easily customize the overall look of your email with our no-code Email Builder.

The easiest email builder you’ll ever use
Build your newsletter in minutes

Email marketing for ecommerce

Drive sales impact with easy-to-build newsletters and automated emails by Omnisend.



Use ready-made email designs to get started quickly.

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Drag & drop<br>email builder

Drag & drop
email builder

Build & customize your email designs using a no-code Email builder.

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Dynamic<br>discount codes

discount codes

Send unique discount codes to each of your subscribers.

Learn more