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Design Welcome Emails That Drive 3600% Better Shopify Conversions

About the video

Are you ready to revolutionize your email marketing game? Imagine sending marketing emails that outperform your current ones by a staggering 3600%! In this game-changing video, Greg Zakowicz, a seasoned ecommerce marketing expert, unveils the secret to achieving these mind-blowing results: welcome series automation. Don’t worry, it’s neither expensive nor complicated as you might think. Greg will guide you through the process, sharing invaluable insights on why welcome emails are essential for boosting sales, how to optimize conversions, when to send them, and even provide you with inspiring message examples. Get ready to unleash the full potential of your email marketing and transform your business. Hit that Like and Subscribe button now so you don’t miss out on more cutting-edge ecommerce marketing strategies!

Video details:

  • Welcome emails, shopify conversions, customer onboarding
  • 13:42 min

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