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The Use of Empathy in Your Email Marketing: Handle Opt-Outs with Care

About the video

Welcome to our video, where we show you how to use Omnisend to create targeted email campaigns for holidays and occasions. We know it can be tricky to be sensitive to customers who may not celebrate or have different preferences, so we’ve got some great tips to share with you.

We’ll be focusing on Mother’s Day as an example, but trust us, these techniques can be applied to any occasion.

Create a landing page to collect email preferences and tailor your campaigns to your customers’ needs. We’ll give you practical tips and strategies and encourage you to regularly review and update it to meet your customers’ evolving needs.

Watch this video to optimize your email marketing efforts and build stronger customer relationships.

Video details:

  • Email marketing, empathy, customer experience, email strategy
  • 3:29 min

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