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The Omnisend AI Email Generator

The fastest way to write your perfect email today. With this AI
email writer, you can generate emails to save time and boost your
email marketing results in seconds.

Type of email
Abandoned cart
Abandoned cart Welcome Discount Proposal Promotion Sale Special occasion Post-purchase Order confirmation Shipping confirmation
Email tone
Friendly Humorous Professional Excited Inspiring
Email length
Short Medium Long
Use emoji
Use emoji Don’t use emoji
Tell us about your email
Write my email
Give our AI about 45 seconds to generate the email for you.
Oops! Seems like something went a bit sideways.
Try refreshing the page and giving it another go.

Your email result

COPIED Copy to use it
Refine my email

How to use this AI email writing tool

Our AI email generator tool is designed to make creating ecommerce emails easy and effective, no matter your experience level. Whether you’re a small business owner, marketer, or just need quick, engaging emails, this tool helps you craft messages tailored to your brand’s needs. With a few simple steps, you can craft messages that connect with your audience, boost engagement, and drive sales.

Using the tool is pretty simple: 


Start by selecting the type of email you want to create, such as a welcome message, discount offer, or a reminder about an abandoned cart.


Next, choose the tone that matches your brand's voice, whether it's friendly, professional, or excited.


Decide on the length of the email—short, medium, or long—and choose whether to add emojis to give your message some extra flair. 

Once you've made your selections, the free AI email generator will create a tailored email ready for you to review, tweak, and send. It’s the perfect way to save time and ensure your emails hit the mark every time.

What kind of emails can you generate?

The sky’s the limit on this one. Many of our users are ecommerce business owners, and they use the email generator to create:

  • Abandoned cart reminders
  • Discount offers and sale announcements
  • Welcome emails for new subscribers
  • Special occasion or holiday promotions

Use the AI email generator

Save time:

Create high-quality emails in minutes, which helps you save time compared to manually writing each one.

Easy to use:

The free AI email generator is pretty intuitive and beginner-friendly. It involves a simple step-by-step process that doesn’t require marketing expertise.


You can customize the email type, tone, length, and emoji inclusion, so you can have control over the style and messaging.


The AI email generator is built with ecommerce emails in mind, helping you convert subscribers into buyers.

We're not just about subject lines

Check out these free tools we designed to help you save time and simplify your work:


Subject line tester

Use our subject line tester to optimize your headlines for maximum engagement & opens, making every email count.

Use this tool

Subject line generator

Get rid of creative blocks with the power of AI. Use our subject line generator to come up with new ideas and craft the perfect line for your next email in seconds.

Use this tool