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Free AI subject line generator

Boost your open rates effortlessly with our free AI subject line generator. Say goodbye to creative blocks and let AI find the perfect line for your next email.

What is your email about?

Give us at least 5 keywords and a quick idea (30-50 characters) about the email you want to send.

Give our AI about 15 seconds to generate the subject lines for you.
Oops! Seems like something went a bit sideways.
Try refreshing the page and giving it another go.

Your personalized subject lines are ready!

Here's a set of freshly generated subject lines that our AI has crafted for you. Use them to make your emails stand out in any inbox.

Subject line suggestions
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How to use the AI subject line generator

Crafting the perfect subject line can feel like a high-pressure guessing game. You need to be catchy and intriguing, but also accurate about what's inside your email. It's a very delicate balance to strike.

Omnisend's AI subject line generator was built to take the stress out of this task. With just a few keywords and a brief description of your email, it will generate personalized, high-converting email subject lines for you. 

Simply include the most relevant information about the email you’re about to send, and let our AI do the magic. Yes, it’s that simple.

We're not just about subject lines

Check out these free tools we designed to help you save time and simplify your work:

Subject line tester
Subject line tester

Want a second opinion on your subject lines? Our subject line tester is ready to weigh in and help you fine-tune your copy for maximum impact.

Use this tool
Email ROI calculator
Email ROI calculator

See the actual value of your email marketing campaigns and make smarter decisions about your upcoming campaigns' potential returns.

Use this tool
SMS length calculator
SMS length calculator

Get the perfect companion tool to help you craft your SMS campaigns. Count characters, estimate costs, and see how your campaign looks on different phones.

Use this tool