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Email & SMS marketing so good, it’s boring

You’ve got enough exciting stuff to worry about. Let us be the reliable platform you can depend on. Make an average $68* for every $1 you spend. So boring.

Connect Omnisend to your platform

Better reports,
less adventure.

Refreshingly boring.

Our reimagined reporting is live. Try out now.

Cut your costs & win more customers

Collect, convert and keep new customers with automated email & SMS — all for less than the leading ESP.


Powerful alone, unbeatable together

Engage your shoppers wherever they are with integrated email & SMS campaigns. All templates are 100% customizable so you can give your customers the on-brand, personalized experience they love – all from a single platform.


Higher conversion rate with SMS combined with email

Learn more about our channels
Powerful alone, unbeatable together
Trusted by 125,000+ ecommerce brands

Get award-winning customer support

With a Stevie Award for fantastic customer support and more than 5,300 five-star reviews on Shopify, we know how to get support right. Get top-notch 24/7 customer support to help your business grow.

Meet amazing people behind our support


Over 5,400+ five star Shopify reviews


Drive sales on autopilot

Save time with pre-built automations that drive sales. From welcome series and abandoned cart, to post-purchase campaigns and more – get up and running in minutes.

Learn more about automation
Drive sales on autopilot

Make precise targeting a breeze

Target the right people with the right message at the right time with unlimited segments that update in real time. Group your audiences based on campaign activity, shopping behavior, and more.


Higher order rate with segmented campaigns. Get a second chance every time someone abandons their basket

Learn more about segmentation
Make precise targeting a breeze

Connect Omnisend to your ecommerce platform

Omnisend integrates with hundreds of ecommerce tools, so you can add it to your store with a single click.

  • Shopify
  • ShopifyPlus
  • BigCommerce
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Wix
  • ShoPlazza
  • Ecwid
why switch

Get up and running in 30 minutes

Make the move today
Why switch

Why our customers think we’re the best

“Omnisend allows us to achieve the work of a larger team with limited resources.”
Rachel Machperson

Marketing manager, British Airways i360

“It's easy to segment contacts and create content, and we've seen open rates jump up to 40%”
Sarah Sacriste

Head of Marketing, Voisins

“The popup templates are really handy and make our work much faster”
Vaida Ribinskaite

Co-Founder, Son de Flor

And thousands more of 5 star reviews:

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