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Email Marketing & SMS

Email Marketing, Newsletter, SMS, Abandoned Cart & Pop Up. Don't miss out on this exclusive deal to get 10% off our plans. Use code WPBEGINNER to get started.

Start free

Rated highest for ease-of-use on G2

Email Marketing & SMS
100,000 (and counting)

That's how many customers around the world use Omnisend to increase their sales without wasting their time.

Easy to use

Pre-built automation workflows, beautiful email templates and drag & drop email builder make it simple for you to get up and running.

24/7 live support

With 24/7 live email & chat support, we are always there to answer your questions regarding the integration and the best Omnisend use cases.

Start selling right away

We know that it's a hassle to build out your ecommerce marketing tactics from scratch, so we've made it simple to kick it off with everything you need, pre-built for you.

  • Email templates
  • Pre-built automation workflows
  • Segmentation suggestions
  • Popup & Form templates
Start selling right away

And explore new ways to grow

Explore new ways to optimize your marketing and grow. Personalize your messages based on customer data, try new channels, and A/B test to find the winning message variations. All within the same, easy-to-use marketing platform.

  • SMS
  • Push notifications
  • Audience Sync for Facebook & Google
And explore new ways to grow
Mailchimp and other platforms like Klaviyo also have the opportunities to build templates using blocks. But after some research, Omnisend scored highest. The template building was a big part of why we chose Omnisend.

Frithjof Solheim

Amundsen Sports on WooCommerce

Why Omnisend for Ecommerce Stores?

Omnisend has everything you need to engage, convert and reactivate your customers with personalized, relevant messaging.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows


Engage & convert your customers with beautiful, shoppable email campaigns.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows

Automated emails

Sell while sleeping with cart abandonment, welcome and more marketing automation workflows.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows

Popups & landing pages

Grow your lists using popups, landing pages, sign up boxes or a Wheel of Fortune.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows


Add SMS into your workflows or try SMS campaigns without switching the platform.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows


Improve your targeting with robust customer segmentation.

Pre-built SMS automation workflows


Track, benchmark and improve your performance with built-in reports.

Learn more about how you can
succeed with Omnisend:

The 9 best WooCommerce email marketing plugins in 2024
The 9 best WooCommerce email marketing plugins in 2024
How to schedule a popup in Shopify, WordPress, BigCommerce & more
How to schedule a popup in Shopify, WordPress, BigCommerce & more
16 ways to optimize your ecommerce checkout [updated 2024]
16 ways to optimize your ecommerce checkout [updated 2024]