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S01, E04 | Aug. 25, 2020

How Dixxon turned flannel shirts into a thriving fashion brand

with Chris Vallely, Sr. Brand Manager @ Dixxon Flannel

How Dixxon turned flannel shirts into a thriving fashion brand

Are you a fan of flannel? Today we meet Chris Vallely, Senior Brand Manager of the clothing company Dixxon Flannel.

Dixxon started in 2013, with the aim of producing quality flannel shirts that are comfortable, stylish, and durable. Founder Danny Dreyer is an ex-Harley Davidson mechanic, and his vision was inspired by the rugged needs of motorcycle riders everywhere.

Flash forward to 2020, and what was once a niche company has expanded to include women’s and children’s lines and various other apparel items. While still catered towards active, fast-paced people with a passion for things like cars and bikes, the company has shifted to an even broader customer base by focusing on building a community through branding, social media, and word-of-mouth.

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Organic social media engagement has played a large part in Dixxon’s success—allowing customers to spread the word about their latest products organically. Because of this success, paid marketing spend has largely shifted, and Chris dives into this impact on their marketing stack—including how Dixxon prioritizes and utilizes email marketing.

“The secret sauce is a mad rush of limited-edition releases, constant design innovations, and the regular release of new products,” Chris says.

Main discussion points

  • We hear how Dixxon uses a drip-model of limited edition, one-off releases—rather than a bulk winter/summer release of many products at once—to create hype around the brand and increase customer lifetime value.
  • Dixxon’s business during the pandemic increased, and we learn how the company maximized the advantages of a DTC apparel brand in a time when many retail stores are closed.
  • How being a nimble crew allows them to quickly pivot and make the most of opportunities as they pop up. We learn how they took advantage of the ‘Tiger King’ hype to quickly sell out a pair of quirky board shorts.
  • Challenges they face, including forecasting for growth and deciding which marketing channels to pursue. Chris shares insights into how he and his team dedicate time to staying relevant in design trends and marketing—including opportunities presented by new social media like TikTok.
  • Chris’s marketing advice for small, growing ecommerce brands and why focusing on short-term, one-off transactions will ultimately limit a company’s growth.

Listen to the full story on the Cart Insiders Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Want to know more about Dixxon Flannel’s journey? Read up on how they outgrew Mailchimp and earned over $60K in just two months.