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S01, E08 | Sep. 22, 2020

The consumer purchasing journey, From Dollar Shave Club to Gabi Insurance

with Nick Fairbairn, CMO @ Gabi Insurance
The consumer purchasing journey, From Dollar Shave Club to Gabi Insurance

In this episode of The Cart Insiders podcast, we speak to the CMO of Gabi Insurance Nick Fairbairn—an experienced DTC marketer and one of the first marketers at Dollar Shave Club.

At first, it might not sound like Gabi, an insurance marketplace focusing on home and auto policies, has much to do with online DTC stores, but Nick shares some interesting parallels with how consumers make purchasing decisions.

Drawing upon his previous experience marketing DTC products, and his current work advising multiple DTC brands, Nick shares insights into the effectiveness of using reviews as social proof and the importance of a mobile-optimized website. He also goes into detail about the creative marketing techniques that he employs in order to stand out in a crowded market.

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The conversation then shifts to creating customer loyalty, and how to secure that elusive second order in an increasingly fragmented environment. Nick provides insights into his approach to creating an enjoyable customer experience—and explains his motto of leaving one dollar on the table now to gain two later on.

“In insurance, referrals are a much harder thing to crack. Reviews, we are succeeding with, but getting people to say ‘use my link, sign up and get a quote’ just doesn’t scale up as it does for a physical product. Physical products are inherently more social and people want to broadcast their experiences.”

The focus then shifts to marketing channels. Greg and Nick discuss the successes of personalizing email campaigns and how to use clever customer segmentation to send relevant emails to the right subscribers. Nick shares his experiences with knowing when not to send emails, and learning how to segment his audience efficiently with targeted content—including SMS.

Nick weighs into the benefits of SMS as a marketing channel, overcoming challenges around ‘opt-in,’ and the importance of when to build a preference center so every customer is clearly communicated to in the manner that they prefer.

And, of course, how distribution and consumer changes in media consumption in the midst of the pandemic were discussed. Nick shares his experiences of staying agile around various new trends, opportunities, and emerging channels—including Twitch and TikTok—and people’s changing relationships to more established channels like Facebook.

Tune in to listen to the entire story.

Main discussion points

  • We hear which channels are most successful for Gabi, as Nick shares his insights on the differences between selling services and physical products. He discusses things like creating a great landing page, using reviews for social proof, mobile-optimization, and talking to customers—including his most important question to ask customers.
  • Nick discusses customer loyalty in an increasingly fragmented business environment, including the costs and benefits of getting that elusive second order. We hear how he makes the customer experience delightful, and his motto of leaving one dollar on the table today to gain two later on.
  • Greg talks about the successes of personalized email campaigns and using clever customer segmentation to send only relevant emails to the right subscribers. Nick tells us about his experiences in customer communication, including knowing when not to send emails, and learning how to segment his audience efficiently with targeted content.
  • Nick and Greg weigh in on the benefits of SMS as a marketing channel, including the various challenges around ‘opt-in’ and building a preference center.
  • Things like distribution and media consumption have been heavily affected by the pandemic, Nick shares his experiences of staying agile around various new trends and opportunities offered in an ever-changing world. We hear his thoughts on various new channels emerging in the near future, including Twitch and TikTok, and people’s changing relationships to more established channels like Facebook.
  • Finally, Nick shares his favorite ecommerce knowledge sources, including industry news, podcasts, books, newsletters, and more.

Listen to the full story on the Cart Insiders Podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or wherever else you listen to podcasts.