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S02, E06 | Oct. 27, 2020

Holiday insights series: online customer service

with Lucas Walker, Marketing Lead @ Gorgias
Holiday insights series: online customer service

In this episode of the Cart Insiders podcast, we welcome the energetic Lucas Walker, a marketing lead for the ecommerce helpdesk Gorgias, to talk all things customer service. Lucas and our host, Greg, discuss ways in which customer service can be a proactive point of difference for ecommerce brands; the need for merchants to embrace different communication channels, and the importance of urgency in meeting customer expectations.

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After a particularly difficult year, merchants are keen to do everything they can to keep customers happy. Lucas dives in to discuss one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to customer service—that it’s reactive. He explores ways to be proactive when it comes to achieving different goals, such as generating customer reviews.

Lucas explains how companies spend lots of time and money creating ad campaigns to retarget customers, however, he says they’re often missing a trick by not using customer service channels as a retargeting opportunity. Lucas shares examples of ways companies can use customer service to their advantage.

Lucas then evaluates a few common scenarios that merchants might face and how good support can help them prepare for these, including ‘warming existing customers up’ before a particular campaign, the need for current reviews, and how user-generated content can drive both additional purchases and act as social proof for new customers.

We then shift gears to which support channels brands should be focusing on. Lucas discusses the role of real-time communications – such as live chat – at different stages of the purchase journey. He talks about the urgency of requests and how live chat is increasingly playing an important support role—especially during the holidays. Walker then discusses the user experience with chatbots and how they can help customers navigate specific queries before a human support agent steps in.

In terms of email, Lucas explains why his view is that it remains critical for companies—accounting for nearly three-quarters of inquiries. He explains how customers use it to find details of live chat interactions, reference numbers, transcripts, status updates, and more.

Main discussion points

  • Lucas discusses how one of the biggest misconceptions of customer support is that it has to be reactive and explains how acting immediately after a conversation can result in a desired action. Lucas explains how companies spend lots of time and money creating ad campaigns yet overlook how to use customer service channels as an opportunity to retarget customers.
  • Why companies should optimize their SEO by looking at common holiday-related customer questions and adding these to the product pages or FAQ sections. Lucas evaluates a few common scenarios that merchants might face and how good support can help them prepare. He discusses the role empathy plays in delivering good support and how to use it to make customers more responsive.
  • Diving deep into customer support channels. Lucas discusses the role of real-time communications such as live chat, when to use chatbots, and the importance of email for support.
  • Three key pieces of customer service advice for ecommerce businesses. Lucas goes into detail on making data-driven decisions, making sure your messaging is consistent, and considering what they’re spending time on and to automate things when possible.

Listen to the full story on the Cart Insiders Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.