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Email, SMS, and push marketing statistics for ecommerce in H1 2023

Choosing where to allocate your time and budget for marketing can be difficult. We analyzed billions of emails and millions of SMS and push messages sent by Omnisend merchants in the first six months of 2023, so you can see how each channel performed, the type of messaging that resonates the most with audiences, and how to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

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Email, SMS, and push marketing statistics for ecommerce in H1 2023

In this report, you will find out how:

  • Check

    email, SMS and push channels fared in H1 2023 compared to 2022

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    email performed for the best and worst industries

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    you're losing sales if you aren't using automation

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    to use these findings to accomplish your goals


Generating sales and increasing customer loyalty is critical for those looking to grow not only this year but beyond