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S01 | Jul. 28, 2020

Introducing The Cart Insiders podcast

with Greg Zakowicz, Host @ Omnisend
Introducing The Cart Insiders podcast

Welcome to The Cart Insiders podcast—a podcast covering all things D2C businesses need to grow. The podcast will feature guests from leading D2C companies and feature insights and analysis into all parts of ecommerce, from specific marketing tactics to the evolution of ecommerce.

In season 1, you’ll hear the leaders from companies such as Rhone, Love Cocoa, To-ak Chocolate, Jiggy Puzzles, New Air Appliances, Dixxon Flannel, and Newton Baby provide insights into the challenges of growing a business, business lessons learned from along their journey, and how marketing helped accelerate their growth and how it is evolving.

Regardless of your role or company size, every conversation will have something for you.

The podcast will be hosted by Greg Zakowicz, a veteran marketer and the Senior Ecommerce expert here at Omnisend. As a marketer and former consultant, he’s helped over 130 companies around the world maximize their ecommerce and email marketing programs. He’s a frequent speaker at ecommerce events and often shares his ecommerce insights across a variety of online industry outlets.

Be a part of The Cart Insiders journey

We want you to be a part of The Cart Insiders. Whether you implemented a successful email marketing series, tested new channels, prepared for a successful holiday season, or grew your overall marketing program—they are all stories we’d love to share. We want you to tell your own marketing story.

To share your story with other marketers, or to let us know what topics you’d like to hear about, please send us an email at [email protected].

Also, be sure to stay connected with Omnised on Twitter and LinkedIn, and Greg on Twitter and LinkedIn. Be sure to use the hashtag #CartInsiders.

Thanks for coming along with us on our journey—we hope you enjoy it Happy listening!
Listen Now: Apple Podcasts  | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify