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Make your first impressions sell

Set the stage with welcome emails that turn subscribers into buyers. They’re the best performers for beauty brands for a reason – automate them with Omnisend and watch your fashion store flourish.

>Make your first<b> impressions sell</b>

of all email orders driven by


more subscribers in 6 months


average open rate for fashion

You’re busy. Save time with our easy-to-customize automations

Omnisend helps you get stuff done faster with 30+ pre-made workflows that are easy to customize with our drag & drop editor.


Put your sales on autopilot

Shoppers abandon carts for fashion products at a higher rate than any other industry, so it’s crucial to reclaim as many lost sales as possible with our pre-made abandoned cart automations.

Need more automations? Use our 30+ pre-made workflows that are easy to customize. Things like automated birthday messages or product reviews, so your customers can boast about that perfect t-shirt to new shoppers.

Put your sales on autopilot

The highest-converting workflow for fashion stores. Greet new subscribers with a friendly email (or SMS, or both) & encourage them to purchase after signup

Abandoned checkout
Abandoned checkout

The second-highest converter for fashion. Send three automated emails to shoppers who start checkout but don't make a purchase.

Abandoned cart
Abandoned cart

Reach shoppers who’ve added items to their cart, but didn’t start the checkout process. This helps you catch more fashion shoppers earlier.


Create emails & popups as stylish
as your brand

Turn more of your store visitors into subscribers with 350+ popup & email templates that are easy
to set up, reflect your brand, and make your visitors want to sign up & buy.


New subscriber to first sale, automatically

Help your store run on autopilot, by grabbing more website visitors and turning them into subscribers. You have tons of pre-made popups & signup form templates to launch & collect new subscribers.

Add an automated welcome message to turn them into first-time buyers instantly. In fact, welcome emails are the highest-converting automation for fashion stores.

New subscriber to first sale, automatically

Hear what our clients are saying

Omnisend’s easy-to-use platform enables you to boost your revenue and customer conversions effortlessly with ecommerce-tailored tools like:

How Silver Street Jewellers expanded online and made $100K in the first 3 months
Read their story
How Kerrits increased its revenue-per-email by 50% with Omnisend
Read their story
How B-Wear Sportswear shapes marketing strategy with data
Read their story

Omnisend already integrates with your tech stack

Connect your store with Omnisend & easily sync your data with your current tech stack so you can get new leads, market your store, & engage your audience.

  • Shopify
  • ShopifyPlus
  • BigCommerce
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • Wix
  • ShoPlazza

Get award-winning
customer support

With three Stevie Awards for fantastic customer support and more than 6,000 five-star reviews all across the web, we know how to help you, fast. Get top-notch 24/7 customer support to help your business grow.

Visit our support page and learn more

Let’s help you get started

Get answers to your important questions so you can help your business grow on WooCommerce.

6 min read
6 min read
6 ideas to market your clothing brand
10 min read
10 min read
How to start a t-shirt business in 2024: Tools & tips for success
Fashion newsletter templates that will impress
18 min read
18 min read
12 strategies to build an email list quickly and easily


Omnisend makes it easy for you to reach your customers through multiple channels, like email, SMS and web push notifications. These FAQs below answer your biggest questions about campaigns at Omnisend.

How easy is it to install & set up Omnisend?

Installing Omnisend in your store is very easy. Simply find & install the app from your app store or plugin directory. If you already have an Omnisend account, it takes less than 5 minutes to set it all up. If you don’t have an Omnisend account yet, sign up for one now.

Does Omnisend have a free plan?

Yes, you can sign up for our Free plan and use all Omnisend features for unlimited time and send up to 500 emails/month. Send email campaigns, collect new subscribers, set up automations to do the hard work for you, and segment your audience to personalize the reach. You can upgrade to our paid plans whenever you’re ready.

Is Omnisend compatible with my other tools?

Omnisend integrates seamlessly with the most popular ecommerce tools, such as Zapier, Tidio, Yotpo and more. That means you can be sure your data is accurately and quickly synced, helping you market your store more effectively.

Do you offer migration support?

Yes, all users on our paid Pro & Standard plans with >$400/mo get a dedicated customer success manager who provides personalized migration support. They will help you with importing contacts and guide you in setting up your first campaign and automations.