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Omnisend and Gorgias integration: bringing the absolute best to your customers

Reading Time: 3 minutes

At Omnisend we’re about customer centricity. We practice it with our own merchant customers, we encourage our marketers to practice it with their shoppers, and we promote omnichannel marketing as the best way to give customers more.

Because after all, where would any of us be without our customers?

Omnichannel marketing is, in its nature, customer centric. You have to put your customer at the center of your marketing strategy for omnichannel to really work.

Customer success plays a huge role in making sure that an omnichannel customer experience stays seamless. It wouldn’t make much sense to have a disconnect from your customer’s shopping experience and their support experience.

Now, you can unify the two like never before. Introducing Omnisend and Gorgias integration, allowing you to integrate your customer success and support into your omnichannel marketing strategy.

How the Omnisend and Gorgias integration works:

Now, you’ll be able to respond directly from within Gorgias, plus segment your customers in Omnisend based on customer feedback, assign customer tags in Gorgias and use those tags for Omnisend segmentation, and remove low-scoring customers from campaigns for better engagement.

Integrate Gorgias in the Omnisend app:

Integration between Omnisend and Gorgias is a piece of cake. In your Omnisend account:

  • Go to My Account, then to Connected Apps, and click on the button that says Connect New App
  • Find Gorgias, and click Connect
  • You’ll be prompted to add your API URL, username, and password. You’ll need to post your Gorgias API Key into the Omnisend app to connect the two, so go to your Gorgias app, and select Your profile
  • Select REST API from the menu and copy Base API URL, your username, and your password.
  • Paste your Base API URL, username, and password into the Omnisend and click Connect

Boom, done. That’s really all you have to do to begin unifying your support and marketing operations under one omnichannel roof. Check out the full tutorial here.

Once Omnisend and Gorgias are integrated, you’ll be able to sync ticket tags and customer satisfaction scores every three hours automatically.

It’s then updated as a custom property in your customer’s profile in Omnisend. This will not be retroactive, so any historical data that you’d like to include in your customer profiles or campaigns needs to be added manually.

How to get the most out of Omnisend and Gorgias integration

Use the data Gorgias provides to better personalize your customer communication. For example, when sending campaigns, you can segment your customers by their most recent customer satisfaction score.

This can help recover some dissatisfied customers with special offers, or different promotions. You can also use Omnisend to send automated thank you messages on any channel after a customer has completed a customer satisfaction survey.

You can also tag which customers are your VIPs and offer special promotions and goodies for them. This not only reinforces the positive customer feedback for you, but it also encourages even more customer loyalty from your best customers (read: the ones you really really want to keep).

The data gathered by Gorgias can also be used to clean up your email lists. For example, customers who rate your campaigns as only 1-2 stars can be segmented out of your campaigns. This way, you’re only sending your campaigns to those who want to see them.

While this might seem like you’re ignoring the customers who don’t like your content, it’s actually better for the overall health of your email strategy. When you clean out those who aren’t satisfied and so engage less often, your sender reputation gets better because you’re only sending what’s relevant to those who will appreciate it.

What are your best tips for keeping customers satisfied? Have you got a great support strategy to share? Tell us below!

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Sr. Content Marketing Manager for Omnisend. When not writing awesome content, Whitney is reading up on the latest in digital marketing, ecommerce, and social media trends. Obsessed with pop culture, art, and metal. Powered by coffee. Fastest Googler in the West.