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Top email & SMS marketing app for Shopify

One easy-to-use platform that helps you sell with powerful, ecommerce-tailored email & SMS marketing.

Connect your store

100,000+ customers

Use Omnisend's all-in-one platform to increase their sales, not the workload.

5,100+ 5-star reviews

Making us the top rated Shopify app for email & SMS marketing.

24/7 live support

We're always available to answer your questions and make use of Omnisend's full potential.

Start selling right away

Omnisend helps you increase your sales, not your workload. We know that it's a hassle to build out your ecommerce marketing tactics from scratch, so we've made it simple to kick it off with everything you need, pre-built for you.

  • Email templates
  • Pre-built automation workflows
  • Segment suggestions
  • Form templates
Start selling right away
Craig Hastings,
The Shopify integration was so easy, and the automated workflows allowed us to significantly increase email sales without much effort.

Craig Hastings,

Culinary Director at Baking Steel

And explore new ways to grow

As soon as you've got the revenue-driving foundations set up, you can explore new ways to optimize and grow. Personalize your messages based on customer data, try new channels, collect & publish product reviews, and A/B test your way to success. All within the same, easy-to-use marketing platform.

  • SMS
  • Push notifications
  • Product Reviews
  • Automation splits and A/B testing
  • Audience Sync for Facebook & Google
And explore new ways to grow

All-in-one marketing platform
for Shopify

Omnisend has everything you need to engage, convert and reactivate your Shopify store customers with personalized, relevant messaging.



Engage & convert your customers with beautiful, shoppable email campaigns.


Automated emails

Sell while sleeping with cart abandonment, welcome and more marketing automation workflows.


Popups & landing pages

Grow your lists using popups, landing pages, sign up boxes or a Wheel of Fortune.



Improve your targeting with robust customer segmentation.



Improve your targeting with robust customer segmentation.



Track, benchmark and improve your performance with built-in reports.

Learn more about Shopify stores succeeding with Omnisend

How Naked & Famous Denim Drives Sales with Omnisend and One-on-One Support
Learn more
How SM Global Shop meets success with testing and tending to the customer journey
Learn more
How To’ak Chocolate Increased Email-Generated Revenue by 460%
Learn more